Friday, September 23, 2011

Im sad

Im feeling so bad that I really want to know why that it's happening. God, why all these afflictions? Can you appear now Lord and spare me a shoulder to cry on?

1 comment:

phebe said...

Rom 5:1-5

My professor was talking about suffering yesterday and he says even though we might not rejoice during the suffering but after the suffering, we can rejoice knowing that God has brought us through it and perhaps made us stronger etc. This professor had a lot of health issues this year actually, he got cancer, had e coli in his blood he says that during all those hard times, he hated it when someone asked him "So, what has God taught you through this?" He just replied, "I learned that I dislike cancer and radiation." haa.. Anyway, but he encouraged us to know that our God who is Sovereign and works everything out for good is in control and we can be assured that there are reasons why things are happening, and as a child of God, you can know for sure that God is in control of your situation and will bring good out of it (even though we might not see it or understand it). The Bible does talk a lot about us believers suffering with Christ, but always assuring us of the hope we have in God and His loving care of us despite sufferings. praying for you dear.