Thursday, May 10, 2012

I smiled and leap in joy =D

Out of a sudden, he came and tell me, thanks for being an understanding girl most of the time, it saves me a lot of time to quarrel. LOL! the main thing is I save his time eh? = =haha.. oh wells, it was sweet after all XD. 

Haha, and before that he came and tell me, u look good today. And I was like, um.. why so suddenly? Then he  teasingly went, nah.. it's Thursday, to practise complimenting. [refer to last post about what he's doing] = =

I know, that's him.. so not-romantically romantic. Haha. But the most amazing thing was, 2 mins before that 1st msg came through, I just told my housemate I am going to sleep when it's only 9:30pm cos I am having a really really bad headache. And when that message came, the pain miraculously went away instantly. I write this post because I know he never reads my blog so I am free to talk about him. XD but, the most ultimate purpose is that, God heals in His own ways. The pain was real and exaggerating and just before I could help myself with my painkillers, the most unexpected healing fell upon. 

He works in amazing ways. and.. I will continue to praise His name! =)

Regret? U always said u wanted ur husband to be someone who loves God more than u. Have u ever regretted ur decision to start this courtship with me?
Me: Nope, because I know His will and thoughts are higher than mine.

Esmond is a believer for about 3 years now I think. I am glad to see him going to cell group every Wednesday and even leading cell group once or twice now. Seeing him setting sundays for church make me see how Holy Spirit works. And the whole surprising bit is that, none of his friends are going. So, I told him I am shocked and he said he is shocked as well. And the fact that he prays before every single meal touches me.  

Coming back from cell group last night, he was happily telling me what they were doing last night. Being given a timetable from the cell group leader, they are doing something together to bless people around for the coming weeks. For example setting mondays away to help people, no media attachments on saturdays and others. He was all excited with the whole idea, like a kid. I like how he always show me that faith like a kid.

He does tell me that there's a lack of intimacy between him and God. But, to see his willingness to grow closer encourages me a lot to do it together. It may not be as easy as it is, being all weak and sinful. Although I don't know how Holy Spirit is going to work among us to bring us nearer to God each and everyday but I am always convinced that if I were to seek His kingdom first, everything shall come afterwards. 

So, nope, I never regretted my decision. Although there's still a long journey to go for marriage, I know we would become the couple who loves God more than anyone by faith and grace. I am sure God would help us bless each other with our lives, of different backgrounds, lifestyles and mind sets.